
MUIGDIDoubleBufferFinish, hdcBuffer:HDC, hBufferBitmap:HBITMAP, hBitmapUsed:HBITMAP, hFontUsed:HFONT, hBrushUsed:HBRUSH, hPenUsed:HPEN

Finishes double buffering and cleans up afterwards. Used in a WM_PAINT event. Place before EndPaint call and after all Blt (eg BitBlt) calls. hdcBuffer is the HDC of the double buffer (eg. hdcMem). hBufferBitmap is the handle to the double buffer bitmap. hBitmapUsed, hFontUsed, hBrushUsed, and hPenUsed are optional parameters. If you have used a bitmap image HBITMAP (not the double buffer bitmap which is hBufferBitmap) or a font HFONT, brush HBRUSH or a pen HPEN in your code in the hdcBuffer you can pass the handles here for cleaning up, otherwise pass NULL or 0 for those other parameters.


  • [in] hdcBuffer - the double buffer dc (eg hdcMem)
  • [in] hBufferBitmap - the double buffer bitmap HBITMAP
  • [in] hBitmapUsed - optional HBITMAP used in double buffer dc
  • [in] hFontUsed - optional handle to a HFONT used in double buffer dc
  • [in] hBrushUsed - optional handle to a HBRUSH used in double buffer dc
  • [in] hPenUsed - optional handle to a HPEN used in double buffer dc




Invoke BitBlt, hdc, 0, 0, rect.right, rect.bottom, hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY

Invoke MUIGDIDoubleBufferFinish, hdcMem, hBufferBitmap, 0, 0, hBrush, 0

Invoke EndPaint, hWin, Addr ps

See Also

MUIGDIDoubleBufferStart, BeginPaint, WM_PAINT, EndPaint